Members, Colleagues and Friends
All of us at Braintree Conservative Association hope that you are well and all of your friends and families are keeping safe throughout this pandemic.
As you are aware the AGM planned in March was postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions and whilst they are still in force today we are all coming to terms and learning to live with the new guidelines. For the first time in the Association’s history, on Thursday 10th September 2020, we were able to hold our AGM virtually and despite the unusualness of the situation; the meeting went very well and was well attended.
Following the AGM, we have two new officers in place for the roles of Deputy Chairman for Political and Campaigning and Deputy Chairman for Membership and Fundraising. Both Dean Wallace and Mary Cunningham are valued and active members of the association and I will leave them to introduce themselves in their new roles.
John McKee
I am delighted to have been accepted as the new Deputy Chairman for Political and Campaigning and I want to thank the previous holder of this role Kevin Bowers. I have been a party member since 2016 and have been an active member of the association since joining. I chose to put myself forward for this role as I want to energise our campaigning activities and ensure that we continue on our great work of getting Conservative Candidates elected.
Over the coming weeks, I will be sending out A Call for Help. This is vital for gathering information from all of us on how we can assist our current and future candidates in their campaigns. The Essex County Council Elections are fast approaching, and even though there is a slight doubt if these elections will go ahead due to the proposed local government changes, I’m determined that we are ready to support our brilliant candidates.
Dean Wallace
Deputy Chairman for Political and Campaigning
I am very pleased to become the new Deputy Chairman for Membership and Fundraising and look forward to working with other Officers in the Association. I have been a party member for many years and a Council member for 5 years.
I have been putting my head together with others to work out a programme of events, both Social and fundraising for the months ahead. Our biggest challenge is what we are able to do in such restricted times and still safely secure much needed funding for the running of the Association.
So our initial Fundraiser will be a Christmas draw with some great cash prizes and further details of that will follow shortly. We are also planning some Virtual events that Members can take part in and again further details of those to follow. I would very much welcome any suggestions that Members may have in respect of Funding raising / social events for the coming months and beyond, your input would be valued hugely.
Thank you for your continued support and good luck with the draw.
Mary Cunningham
Deputy Chairman for Membership & Fundraising
999 Club
At a time where fundraising remains difficult for the Association, the 999 Club provides a valuable source of income as well as giving members the opportunity to win quarterly prizes. Each number in the draw costs £5 per month and if you would like to participate, please contact the office or myself.
Lyn Walters
999 Club Officer